Transport to fireworks and drone shows at the Brno Lake
► Arrive to see the fireworks and drone shows on time and preferably by public transport – you will save time on parking and travelling on crowded roads
► On the days of the fireworks and drone shows at the Brno Lake, transport on lines 1, 3, 30 and 50 will be reinforced from about 19:00
► Take advantage of the DPMB tram connections from the Main Railway Station via Pisárky (tram lines 1 and P1) and from Česká via Žabovřesky (tram lines 3, P9, 10) to Bystrc, check current timetables at
► Once the fireworks are over, all public transport lines from the Brno-Bystrc area will be available from about 23:00. The last reinforcement connections from Bystrc will be dispatched at ca. 00:15 (arrival in the centre of Brno at ca. 00:30)
► Special reinforcement connections will also run on IDS JMK lines 302 Kuřim - Bystrc, ZOO and back Bystrc, Pod Mniší horou - Kuřim - Tišnov and 303 Veverská Bítýška - Bystrc, ZOO and back
► Transport connections to the fireworks and drone shows are also provided by regional lines of the IDS JMK – use night trains and buses leaving Brno in most directions after midnight on weekends, check current timetables at
► We recommend tuning into Radio Krokodýl 103 FM for the most up-to-date festival information on visiting the Brno Lake and the "green wave" broadcast for drivers

► We recommend using Brno public transport or IDS JMK connections, which are significantly reinforced
► Drive your own vehicle according to the instructions of police officers and constables – they always have up-to-date information about the overall traffic situation and will direct you to free parking areas – we remind all drivers of the obligation to obey traffic regulations, follow traffic signs and follow the instructions of constables and police officers
► The main parking areas are located along Stará dálnice St. (on the instructions of the police approx. 19:00-24:00) – the other parking lots are in Páteřní street under the Akát shopping centre and in Vejrostova street in front of the primary school – other parking areas may be used in the Bystrc housing estate
► Arrivals and parking from the direction of Kuřim are tackled separately in the village of Rozdrojovice – drivers have to take into account that they will have to park their vehicles on the road between Rozdrojovice and Kníničky and walk ca. 1.5 km – the walking distance from all prepared parking spaces is greater than from public transport stops, leave home and start walking early enough!
► In order to ensure pedestrian safety, Přístavní Street and part of Hrázní Street, where the greatest number of pedestrian spectators usually stand, will be closed for cars – other partial closures will be in Nad dědinou, Píškova, Stará dálnice (in the direction of Rakovecká Street), Obvodová Street towards ul. Přístavní (detour along Odbojářská Street)
► Vehicles parked in contravention of traffic signs will be towed away in order to maintain the passability
► Departure of vehicles after the fireworks is directed through the following routes:
1. Vejrostova: direction Odbojářská - Kníničská - Brno-centre
2. Ondrova – Bystrcká: direction Brno-Komín or Brno-venkov - Jinačovice
3. Stará dálnice - Žebětín or Kohoutovice
4. Rakovecká: direction Brno-venkov - Ostrovačice, Veverská Bítýška
► In connection with the passage of a large number of trams, the Bystrcká-Kníničská level crossing at UNI HOBBY is closed during the departure of vehicles after the fireworks – drivers travelling in the direction of Bystrc are allowed to cross the tram track in the area of the Branka stop
► In the direction to the centre from the Bystrc Bridge, both lanes (according to the portable traffic signs) will be made available only for driving towards the centre to increase the passability of the road
► Please note that all vehicles using the exceptional parking facilities on the days of fireworks and drone shows located along Stará dálnice St. are obliged to leave by 24:00 at the latest – vehicles parked longer than this will be towed away!
► The Traffic Inspectorate of the Brno City Police Headquarters and the Brno City Police Traffic Unit wish all a good journey to and from the Brno Lake