Fireworks are both art and technique – without one the other cannot work, thinks the leader of Pirotecnia Ricardo Caballer

Brno - A Spanish firework will enclose the competition part of Starobrno Ignis Brunensis. According to the leader of Pirotecnia Ricardo Caballer, the last competing company, the show will be about magical art alongside with precious technique. The show called Magic dreams will brighten up the sky above the dam on the night of 17th of June.

What do you like the most about your job?
It's a dynamic job, not a repetitive one. And it provides huge satisfaction after a good show. Although I must admit it also comes with a lots of nerves.

Is your job more about art or technique?
It's about both art and technique. Without one the other cannot work.

Why did you decide to become a fireworker?
Actually it is not something to decide. It's something that is inside of you. You don't think about being a fireworker, you just feel the necessity to do it.

Is there anything that inspires you the most while creating a firework? What is it?
When talking about pyromusical shows, of course music is the essential source of inspiration. Then, experience is also important. As manufacturers, we have a big amount of possibilities concerning products available for our use in a show. This allows you to combine lots of effects.

What is the most important thing or moment of preparation of fireworks? Why?
The first thing is safety, both of the product and the venue. And the reason is obvious. Then we also care about the quality of the product, as well as the design of the show.

Is there any manual or instruction for the viewers how to "read" a firework, how to watch it?
There isn't any, at least in my opinion. You must feel the show, rather than read it.

How was created the firework for the audience of the parade in Brno?
We have prepared a very dynamic show, with high synchronization of music and high quality pyro products made at our facility.

Are there any differences between other parades and the one in Brno?
Yes. Brno has the peculiarity of the barges and the lake. That requires a different point of view when thinking about the design and display of the show.

To which part of your firework can the viewers look forward to the most?
We try to maintain a steady attention of the audience during the whole show. I would maybe highlight the obligatory part.

How do you choose festivals that you participate in?
Nowadays we don't participate in many festivals. Concerning Ignis Brunensis, the good relationship with Flash Barrandow plays an important role. Also, the first time that we came to Brno we liked the city and its people a lot, which was an additional reason for us to come back.

Do you remember any quaint or unusual assignment for a show that you had created?
One time we had to cancel a show in Japan due to a typhoon, with all of the cannons and equipment already on site. The day after, everywhere were plenty of fishes!

Where you are going to perform after the Ignis Brunensis festival ends?
We perform our shows in many places around the world. In summer, we are looking forward to making a lot of shows in Spain, as it's the fireworks season there.

Medallion of interviewed fireworker:

Name and surname: Ricardo Caballer Cardo.
Position within the team: Leader.
Work experience: More than 20 years in manufacture of fireworks and displays.
Three words that describe me: Passion, creativity and spirit of achievement.
My job-related dream: To surpass myself.

Medaillon of the firework‘s team:
The name of the team: Pirotecnia Ricardo Caballer, S.A. (Ricasa).
Years of experience: The company has displayed shows since the foundation.
Shows per year: Dozens per year.
The biggest success: Golden Jupiter in Montreal in 2016, but many others big displays in Pan American Games, Pyrofest in USA, and others.
Pick three shows from the past 12 months:
International des Feux Loto, Quebec 2016.
Ricasa Crida UNESCO Piromusical.
16th International Symposium on Fireworks, Omagari (Japan).
Three words that describe how the team works: Professionality, pride, experience.

Dominika Bayerová
The author is a student of journalism on FSS in Brno,
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Photogallery: Robert Vystrčil
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