Angels danced with hell above the Brno Lake


Brno – On Wednesday 12 June, the sky above the Lake lit up with colorful effects to the sound of lively music as part of the fireworks show The Dance of the Angels with Two Steps on the Highway to Hell, prepared by the German team Beisel Pyrotechnik. The pyromusical told a story of a party prepared by hell itself, trying to attract angels with energetic music and striking colorful effects.

The German team with designer René Calmez, presented the Brno audience with a pyromusical with an unusual soundtrack – the fireworks opened with an electronic cover of the obligatory melody Chariots of Fire, only to be replaced by a waltz from Dvořák's opera The Devil and Kate. The designers also used a cover version of the hit Highway to Hell or several songs from the band 2 Steps From Hell. "We were looking for a song that we could use as a little homage to our Czech host and Czech audience – preferably for a title from a Czech composer or artist which relates to the topic. And we came up with the Opera from Dvořák," Calmez explained the choice of music.

In an interview before the show, the German designer promised the audience that their hellish fireworks party would be colorful and won’t stick to the traditional yellow and red. And they delivered. At the very first notes of the obligatory song, the pontoon literally lit up, and moments later the sky lit up with a carnival full of big effects and bright colors, and the German team really made the most of the sky above the dam.

During the first seconds of the song Engel by Rammstein, the surprised audience reacted with spontaneous comments such as "Wow, it's Rammstein!". By the cover of the well-known Highway to Hell, few could keep from swaying to the beat. "Unbelievable effects! For a while I had the feeling that I was in an action movie, and then I was at a rock concert," said Vlaďka Langová.

"It's a pity that the fireworks were harder to see because of the smoke, because otherwise it was a blast," said Dominik Malíšek about the spectacle. The weather around the Brno Lake was cold and damp and during the first part of the fireworks display there was a lot of smoke in the sky above the water.

The international fireworks contest continues on Saturday 15 June at 22:30 with the show called Rhapsody in Rainbow from "European team": a fireworks show designed in cooperation of designers from the Czech Republic, Germany and Spain. Before the fireworks, spectators can watch the second drone show of this year's Ignis Brunensis, Water is Life, at 22:00.

Dominika Lišková
The author graduated from FSS MU in Brno,
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